Sunday, July 7, 2013


I have seen lots of guys are interested in freelancer. I am happy about you. But please remember, to become a successful freelancer, a great deal of a patient and dedication is necessary. As for my self, I make at least $500 per month. That might not be enough for some of you guys. But when comparing with the $32 I made last January, this is simply extraordinarily. Anyway I have to say again, be patient. Fill the profile as much as possible. Select appropriate skills. Upload a picture of you as well. Then bid on projects. Bidding is very necessary. Without bidding no employer will come for you. There are thousands of other freelances awaiting to get a job. So the description of the bid is important. Then also send a personal letter to the employer as well.

And always use their help system anytime when you are in trouble. These people answer your questions pretty fast and accurately.

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